Collaborative Workflows for Final Cut Pro X


Sam Mestman from Lumaforge Systems will take you on a guided tour of everything you need to know when it comes to making Final Cut Pro X in a multi editor environment. He’ll explain the difference between things like SAN, NAS, NFS, SMB, AFP, iSCSI, and a whole bunch of other things that go into why some solution work better than other with FCPX. He’ll also be covering best practices of what to do with your media and archives with FCPX’s media management commands, and why hard links are so important when it comes to managing your libraries across your different editors. If you have any interest working with Final Cut Pro X with multiple editors, you’re going to want to watch this webinar.

  • SAN vs. NAS
  • Which Network Protocals are right for FCPX
  • Library setup in a shared environment
  • Why Hard Links matter
  • Media Management commands in FCPX and how to use them
  • Passing events and projects between multiple editors
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